If you are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a fungal infection, you need to start treatment immediately. Of,how to cure toenail funguswe will talk in this article.
First of all, you need to understand what fungal infections are. These diseases belong to the class of infectious diseases. Fungal infections, or infections caused by fungi, are very different, but most often affect the skin and nails. Fungal infections are contagious and spread from person to person.
Nail fungus
This disease (onychomycosis) is caused by a fungal infection that can be contracted by a sick person. Most often, this disease spreads within the family, as it is transmitted through shared items, such as slippers or towels.
The fungus is very fond of a humid warm environment, so swimming pools, showers, gyms, bathrooms are ideal places for infection. The predisposing factors to the disease are wet shoes and excessive sweating of the feet.
The fungus is a very resistant microorganism. They endure arid conditions of existence, temporarily interrupting their reproduction. But as soon as the environment becomes favorable, the violent life activities begin again.
If the nails are infected with fungus, they change their appearance. The color of the nail plate changes to white, gray, yellow, brown, green and even black. Nails thicken, crumble, lose their natural luster. Thickening of the nail plate is a reaction to the multiplication of infection in the nail bed. Keratinization grows and significantly interferes with treatment.
In advanced cases, the fungus affects the entire thickness of the nail. The nail begins to exfoliate, collapse.
To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study on the samples taken from the nail.
Nail fungus medication
To treat nail fungus, both topical preparations and oral agents are used. External medicines are ointments, creams, gels, nail polishes and special plasters that have a peeling effect.
Antifungal paints include compounds that penetrate deep into the nail plate and nail bed. To use the varnish, you must first cut the affected area of the nail with a nail file and degrease it with alcohol.
Keratolytic ointments and patches are used to remove the areas of the nail affected by the fungus. Under the influence of these agents, the nail becomes soft and easy to remove for subsequent treatment. The patches and ointments contain an antiseptic, salicylic or acetic acid. Antifungal components may also be included. A patch is applied to the affected nail, on top of a layer of normal adhesive plaster and a layer of bandage. The bandage is removed after 2-3 days. The softened areas of the nail are removed and a fresh keratolytic patch is applied again. The treatment is carried out until the nails affected by the fungus are cleaned. Treatment with keratolytic patches or ointments is a long process.
There are special kits for the treatment of nail fungus. These include a keratolytic antifungal ointment, a special scraper for cleaning the nails and a plaster.
Antifungal creams are indicated for use. The cream should be applied to the affected nails every day until complete recovery.
Internal drugs
If the nail fungus responds poorly to treatment, in especially advanced cases, the doctor prescribes antifungals - drugs in the form of capsules and tablets. These funds must be withdrawn for 2 to 4 months. But many of them can have a negative effect on the human body precisely due to the duration of the intake. Therefore, a new systemic treatment method called pulse therapy was developed. The essence of the treatment is a gentle medication regimen - two tablets or capsules a day for a week. So you should take a break for 21 days. The general course of pulse therapy is 3 times for 7 days.
Antifungals prevent the recurrence of the disease and effectively fight infections. The doctor prescribes the drug the patient needs most.
Folk remedies to combat nail fungus
If the disease has not started, herbal medications and herbal ingredients can be taken to help medications.
- Grind the peppermint leaves and mix with salt. Apply the composition on the nails and place it between the fingers for an hour.
- 20 gr. pour lilac flowers with half a glass of alcohol. Let it brew for two weeks. Rub the composition into the affected area several times a day.
- Mix the butter and crushed garlic in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply to nails once a day with a bandage and duct tape. Change the product every day. Apply until complete recovery.
- It is recommended to walk barefoot in the morning dew. It is considered to be one of the best treatments.
- Mix garlic juice, pure alcohol and distilled water in a 1: 1: 10 ratio. Regularly rub the composition on the nails affected by the fungus.
- The fresh rowan leaves, pounded into gruel, are applied to the affected areas for 1 hour. Apply the recipe until complete recovery.
- Pour half a glass of poplar buds with 0, 5 liters of vodka. Let it brew for 10-12 days. Make compresses with the tincture at night. Nails soften overnight. In the morning, the nails should be cleaned of light keratinization, and the dye should be rubbed thoroughly.
- Wrap affected nails with rubbed leaves of golden mustache. Strengthen the compress with cling film. The compress can be done at night. In the morning, you should clean the nails from softened keratinization.
Disease prevention
If you follow simple rules, you will never encounter such an unpleasant disease as toenail fungus.
- Never wear someone else's shoes.
- Always dry your shoes when you get home.
- If you constantly visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, gym, apply topical antifungal drugs.
- At home, it is better to refuse porous or fluffy carpets in the bathroom, as they are carriers of infection, including nail fungus.
- If you forgot to change your shoes at home when visiting public places and the antifungal drug is out of stock, treat your feet and nails upon arrival at home with tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, propolis tincture.
Visit your doctor at the first sign of nail fungus. Even if you are wrong, do not regret the time lost, because there is nothing more important than your health.